Re: VitalSigns NetMedic

Charles Scott (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 16:17:35 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Mike Pistone wrote:

> Same setup/report here.
> I tested this program at home and I got the same results users were
> reporting. Filling in the default gateway seems to fix it.
> It is frustrating explaining that the problem is NOT on our end, no
> matter what this software reports.
> -Mike

I personally think we're headed toward a series of problems with this
software. I downloaded a copy of it after a customer started telling me
of all the problems I was having with my routers and server. After
playing with the program for a bit I would have to say that I was
impressed with the user interface, but not the results. For example, it
kept telling me that I was having a problem with Internet congestion and
should try later. The fact was that I was on a 56K ISDN connection
talking to one of my Web servers only 1 router hop away and the
connection was running flat out with hardly a hesitation.
My customer kept telling me that I was having a problem with several
routers. Once I got past the point where I had convinced him that the Win95
traceroute was defective and won't work with our Livingston equipment he
started complaining about one of our Cisco routers, telling me that it was
overloaded and dropping packets. I finally convinced him to ignore what the
program was telling him and start looking at actual throughput.
Unfortunately, he's a real-time game player and he expects the whole Internet
to be less than 50ms end-to-end, despite the fact that he lives in the middle
of nowhere and is lucky to have a connection at all. Putting marginal tools
in the hands of people like that is asking for trouble.
BTW, one of the features I really liked was that NetMedic can apparently
send E-Mail to system administrators informing us of the problems we have.
Gee, I can't wait to get that good information so I can go fix my
network. In any case, we lucky persons with Livingston equipment are
likely to take the brunt of this one.
