Re: VitalSigns NetMedic

David Davies (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 14:45:42 -0400

> >> We are using an array of PM2e's for our NAS.
> >> So each time a dialup account connects, it can hit any
> >> one of the PM2e's. For windows95, we have been instructing
> >> users to leave the default gateway blank, since this is a dynamic
> >> value. Well, NetMedic reports this as an egress router problem,
> >> since the first hop usually times out; windows95 DUN will
> >> not pick up the gateway from the PPP server.

Assign the gateway !!!

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Around the World, through the modem, over the T-1 lines, past the NAP,
nothing but Net...."