Routes with RAS

David Davies (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 11:10:10 -0400

A question in need of a solution.... or two or three....

Here's the skinny

Client with OR-U dialing in to PM2E30 with 5BRI card
Been happy as heck with the OR-U might I add (gratuitous plug...)

We've given them a subnet, X.X.X.16/28

They have 2 machines plus the OR-U that are routed with Radius now.

One of these routes is an NT4.0 box that they have 6 modems hangin' off of
that they want to use for dial-up using RAS.
Using DHCP to assign IP's to the Dial-Ups

They can dial in fine but no Internet yet,

My question is.... I should be able to edit the routing table in their OR-U
to add static routes for their 14 IP's.
As opposed to editing Radius to show 14 Framed-Route ='s, correct ?

Or.... Any hints or suggestions would be great....

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Around the World, through the modem, over the T-1 lines, past the NAP,
nothing but Net...."