Re: Fast Busy!!!

Todd Vierling (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 22:42:44 -0400 (EDT)

Not that this really has much to do with Livingston gear, but I'll respond
since the issue was raised.

On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Brian wrote:

: We have ALOT of available lines in our PRI's not being used, and lots of
: modems not in use, on our USR TC Hub. Everyone now and then we will dial
: in and get a fast busy. i am told that this means that the phone company
: has placed the pri out of service for an instant. is this true?

We were experiencing this with our singular USR TC (two PRIs) when there was
only one person on the unit. Happens one out of every 10 calls. DOESN'T
happen on the Ascend MAXen or PM3s.


On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

: There is no telling whether it is on your end or theirs. It could mean
: that their CO has no free outgoing lines available.
: If its fast, that is fone co. reorder tone and you cant do anything about
: that. If its slow and you have lines to use, then there is a problem.

In the case of PRI, with most switches a fast ("reorder") busy tone is
generated when a disconnect (call reject) cause code is returned that is not
assigned to a known recording for analog callers. Here, on our DMS-100,
cause codes 16, 37, 38, 46, and 54 (I believe) either generate a slow busy
tone or a specific recording (" blocking...", "...all circuits are
busy..." or even "...your call cannot be completed as dialed..."). All
other cause codes generate a fast busy tone.

If it's happening on our TCs and not on our other equipment, I have a high
suspicion the TCs are at fault, though it's not because of any cause code
I've programmed into the TC rack (you can set those on a TC, one of its very
rare good points).


On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Sherwood Pekelo wrote:

: I've heard that the DMS-100 had/has a software bug that causes this when
: the switch is heavily loaded. This is a possibility.

Ah, possibly. However, our MAXen and PM3s get their PRIs off of the same
channel card! So it's not likely that this is a performance issue with the
DMS-100. I've been told that this happens on Alcatel (DMS100 clone) and
5ESS's as well.


On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Chad Scott wrote:

: The explanation given by Southwestern Hell is that a fast busy indicates
: either a full PRI or an "All Circuits are Busy" state.

Well, it's obviously not a full PRI, and if it's an "all circuits are busy"
state (typically cause code "Switching system/network congestion"), a
reorder tone is not normal in this neck of the woods. You'd instead get a

: I would open a ticket at the telco for this problem so they are aware of
: it. If you don't complain they'll never fix it.

I'm going to, if it persists, but I'll likely just get a pile of D channel
traces I'll have to send to USR.... As much as I dislike defending the
telco, the research I've done on this points many fingers at USR.

== Todd Vierling (Personal; Business Foo-bar-baz! ==
== System administrator/technician, Internet Access Group, Orlando Florida ==
== Dialups in Orange, Volusia, Lake, Osceola counties - ==