Re: X2 PM2e-30

David Davies (
Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:43:11 -0400

C'mon guys give me a little credit, sometimes it really is what we think it

>What do you actually have connected to the PM2? If you don't have an X2
>dgital fed modem pool you won't get anything better than a 28.8-33.6k

Yes both ends are X2, sheesh

No trunking involved single line that was handling better than 33.6 before.

I was just wondering if anyone had found a good init string for these

Certainly not something we're going to be using hard core, just a little
experiment in agony :-)

>This is probably because X2 is a farce and is destined to fail. It
>can only work if your CT1 is trunk side, and there is no more than a
>single A/D conversion between you and the customer, and even then, I've
>never heard of anyone successfully getting more than about 40k.

We all know X2 will go away or be absorbed just figured since everything
else was working so good I may as well play around with something...... Ha.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Around the World, through the modem, over the T-1 lines, past the NAP,
nothing but Net...."