Re: PM-3 and Zoom

Sherwood Pekelo (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 13:33:30 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Dave Godglick wrote:

> Yesterday I had a customer trying to connect with a Zoom 33.6 and unable to
> connect at more than 14.4
> I offered him a trial because he was frustrated with another ISP.
> Oddly enough he said it was quicker at 14.4 than the other ISP at 28.8
> Some kind of Livingston magic I guess.
> I had them dial into the our PM2's instead and all was fine.
> Obviously others have noticed the problems with Zoom but I haven't noticed any
> resolution. Is there one?
> Other than buying a modem that doesn't start with a "Z"

Out of curiosity, can everyone post/e-mail me directly a list of modem
model numbers and problems associated with them with connecting to PM3s.
I'd like to compile this for my own info as well as for the list.

So far I have:

the V.FC needs to be locked at non-V.FC 14.4K v.32bis? Though we all knew
this... 8)

Cardinal modem MXPV34XF through a NT1 box drops connection or doesn't
negotiate properly.

Supra disconnection difficulties.

Let me know!

