Re: What do the db levels Mean

Chris Adams (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 13:04:26 -0500 (CDT)

Once upon a time, Joel M Snyder wrote
> > I would expect that as long as the cable is certified CAT5 then each
> > SEPERATE pair should be able to handle 100M data rates (Beldon now do a
> > 350M cable) as we are using 2 pairs and putting <2M down the wire I
> > wouldn't really have expected any problems.
> I would expect that if it were a Category 5 application, you would be
> right. But that's irrelevant; you wouldn't run audio, or power, or
> sprinkler controls over Category 5 cable because that's not what the
> application is and the cable doesn't work well in that environment.

Okay, so the general recomendation here is to use the cables that came
with your PM3.

<reaches into drawer, pulls out such a cable>

Guess what it says:


Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.