RE: What do the db levels Mean

Phil Taylor (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 18:25:19 +0100

According to (an interesting
document BTW and written by someone who appears to know a lot about his

The AT&T specified ABAM cable for T1 connections is no longer available
per se, a suitable equivalent would be Category/Level 2 cable (2 pair)
and is adequate for T1 transmissions up to 1000ft. (ABAM was actually
unshielded according to this doc)

You wouldn't run audio/power/sprinkler controls over CAT5 because it is
DATA GRADE CABLE (usually plastered all over the cable itself) the last
time I looked T1 was data. It is a fixed frequency digital signal. CAT 5
has the right nominal impedance and VERY low NEXT and Attenuation at
those frequencies.

Anyway, enough is enough I'm going for a beer.......

Cheers and have a nice weekend everybody,


> ----------
> From: Joel M Snyder[SMTP:Joel_M_Snyder@Opus1.COM]
> Reply To: Joel M Snyder
> Sent: Friday, April 25, 1997 5:46 PM
> To: Phil Taylor
> Cc: Luther Keal; 'Jake Messinger';;
> Joel_M_Snyder@Opus1.COM;
> Subject: RE: What do the db levels Mean
> > I would expect that as long as the cable is certified CAT5 then each
> > SEPERATE pair should be able to handle 100M data rates (Beldon now
> do a
> > 350M cable) as we are using 2 pairs and putting <2M down the wire I
> > wouldn't really have expected any problems.
> I would expect that if it were a Category 5 application, you would be
> right. But that's irrelevant; you wouldn't run audio, or power, or
> sprinkler controls over Category 5 cable because that's not what the
> application is and the cable doesn't work well in that environment.
> Your argument is akin to saying "AC power is .6 X 10-4 M, so this
> patch
> cable should work great for that..."
> > So, basically a pretty good cable.
> ... for what it was designed for, which was LAN transmissions. Not
> T1.
> > This strikes me as akin to the argument you will often find in HiFi
> > shops, 'Dont use the manufacturers supplied interconnect leads'.
> *sigh* OK, forget it...
> jms
> Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719
> Phone: +1 520 324 0494 (voice) +1 520 324 0495 (FAX)
> jms@Opus1.COM Opus One