Re: PM3 slower than PM2 (fwd)

Brian Elfert (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:27:57 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Richard Yoo wrote:

> On 06:15 PM 4/24/97 -0700, MegaZone shaped the electrons to say...
> >The V.42bis dictionary is 1/4 the size of say USR in the current code - on
> >highly compressable data - like ping packets - this makes a big difference.
> >On real world data (like the web) it doesn't. Users tested this and showed
> >that with compression out of the picture ping times are comparable.
> I wrote about this before, and no one seemed the care <grin>... but I have
> a stack of Microcom 28.8P's over here and I *disabled* all compression on
> one and I still got ping times under 150ms... I heard some horrible ping
> numbers form PM3 users on this list...

Disabling compression on the PM3 has been shown to bring the ping times
down quite a bit, and into the normal range for analog modems.
