ticket 35669 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 18:09:49 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time thoth@purplefrog.com shaped the electrons to say...
> My original problem: In the LCP phase of a manual dial of a
>location table entry, the portmaster continually NAKked an option
>which had not been requested:
>Apr 17 13:27:52 giza pppd[11928]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x79 <mru 1500> <auth pap> <magic 0xe22f0878> <pcomp> <accomp>]
>Apr 17 13:27:52 giza pppd[11928]: rcvd [LCP ConfNak id=0x79 <auth chap md5>]
>Apr 17 13:27:52 giza pppd[11928]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x7a <mru 1500> <auth pap> <magic 0xe22f0878> <pcomp> <accomp>]
>Apr 17 13:27:52 giza pppd[11928]: rcvd [LCP ConfNak id=0x7a <auth chap md5>]
>[repeat 20 times per second for 60 seconds]
> RFE: make the portmaster not NAK things that have not been
>REQuested (unless current behavior is allowed by the PPP spec).

That looks fine to me - other end requested PAP and we NAK'd it and said no,
how about CHAP.

Perfectly normal.

>mail, I read a tidbit that led me to discover that the portmaster
>refuses to do any kind of LCP authentication if a dial script was
>used. I had configured my location entry to use a dial script that
>merely dialed the number and then handed off to PPP.

Wrong info. It allows for PAP/CHAP as long as you don't use a login/password
script. You can only auth with one method. If the location table just dials
and doesn't send a login/password it is legal to just start PPP and use
PAP/CHAP. Of course, you have to configure the chat script to do this too.

> RFE: give some kind of diagnostic when this misconfiguration is
>discovered (maybe best to diagnose this only when "dial locname -x"

Technically that isn't an error, some sites don't need auth at all so that
setup is fine.

>password I had set to do its own magical dial script. However, I was
>unable to find out how to clear the dial script.

Set each line to null.

> It seems that when dialing out on an ISDN line the portmaster wants
>the host it dials to authenticate itself. To paraphrase Livingston

Location tables don't challenge the other end, ISDN or not.

> However, that may not be the problem. The Livingston seems to go
>into the IPCP phase without authenticating itself despite the fact
>that it ACKed the <auth pap>. Weird.

The end that dials must authenticate itself, that trace looked fine.

Of course, you should be sending us the PORTMASTER PPP DEBUGS and NOT the
Linux debugs. Technically that is what we work with, since we don't have
any idea what other stacks may or may not do.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110 megazone@livingston.com
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