Re: What do the db levels Mean

Paul M Mockett Jr (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 16:30:03 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997 05:31:45 -0700 (PDT) MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Kelley Lingerfelt shaped the electrons to say...
> > Receive Level: +2dB to -7.5dB
> This looks normal.
> > Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB
> These look abnormally low - that would be from the telco.
> - -MZ

My first CT1 from MCI always had these levels, and my current 3 CT1
lines from USWest do too. Should I be complaining to USWest to get
these levels raised, or do I need to shorten my cat5 cable run from
the current 30 feet to something closer?

Also, could the receive level be contributing to the Lost-Carrier problem
people are experiencing (including us: 34.8% when using 3.5.1b11,
but only 5.1% when using 3.5.1b8)?

Paul M Mockett Jr
Seanet Corp
701 5th Ave, Suite 6801
Seattle, WA 98104
V: (206) 343-7828 x112
F: (206) 628-0722