Re: What do the db levels Mean

Kelley Lingerfelt (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 03:17:49 -0400 (EDT)

Just a followup from last night, these are the readings tonight at our
remote site, with the pm3. We have had not had any Alarms or Violations
in the last 24 hours.

The reason I asked last night about the differing dB levels was that I
could have sworn that they use to be in the range of +2dB to -7.5dB, but
I have looked damn near everywhere and I can't find anything either way
where I recorded them, so they may have been this way the whole time.

As far as distance from the CO, the remote pop is most definitely located
farther away than the one in our building. Just a guestimation, but I
would say the remote pop is 10 miles from the CO and the one in house is
probably 1.5 to 2 miles away.

The distance is one part of the discussion about this that I did get a
little confused, we are using the cables that were supplied with the PM3
to connect to the telco equipment.

On another note, we haven't had any calls or complaints from anyone using
the remote pop, so I would have to assume that everything was just peachy
keen there. I've include tonights readings and last nights readings, and
unless I missed something, they are identical as far as alarms and
violations are concerned.


Tonight's Readings

Command> sh line0
---------------------- line0 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 32813
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 0
Receive Carrier Loss 1 Multiframe Sync 50718
Loss of Sync 1

Command> sh line1
---------------------- line1 - T1 1.536 Mbps ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 0
Yellow 0 CRC Errors 1
Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 0
Loss of Sync 0

Command> ver
Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.5c6
System uptime is 1 days 15 hours 34 minutes

Last Night's reading approximately 24 hours ago

> PM3 located at the remote pop
> Command> sh line0
> ---------------------- line0 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------
> Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law
> Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB
> Alarms Violations
> ----------------------------- -----------------------------
> Blue 0 Bipolar 32813
> Yellow 1 CRC Errors 0
> Receive Carrier Loss 1 Multiframe Sync 50718
> Loss of Sync 1
> Command> sh line1
> ---------------------- line1 - T1 1.536 Mbps ---------------
> Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law
> Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB
> Alarms Violations
> ----------------------------- -----------------------------
> Blue 0 Bipolar 0
> Yellow 0 CRC Errors 1
> Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 0
> Loss of Sync 0