Re: pm3 modem commands

Douglas Warren (dwarren@Alpha.NetUSA.Net)
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 01:04:39 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, John Harkin wrote:
> Where are the AT commands for the 5BRI cards documented? In particular,
> I'd like to force a DOV call to our new PM3 running CT1 to see if that
> works. Just doing a regular dial out gives a 64K connect and the PM3
> assigns a modem to the call. Kinda stalls there...


Can you force a certain connection rate for an outgoing call?
A: Yes. For example to force a 56K connection use:
command> set s10 speed 56000
or, to force a 56K dial out:
command> AT&N56DT5551212

|Douglas ``Wildcat'' Warren |Email:|  Jura gur tbireazrag
|Network/Security Consultant|Phone: (516) 543-0234    | bhgynjf Pelcgbtencul,
|President of SBCS a chapter|  Fax: (516) 543-0274    |  bayl pevzvanyf jvyy
|of the ACM.                |  PGP: finger dwarren    |     unir cevinpl