Re: What do the db levels Mean (fwd)

Kyle Platts (
Wed, 23 Apr 97 16:53:49 -0500


>Do you have the specs handy so that me and others can check their =
levels to make sure that the T1/PRI is "tuned" well?

Yes I do.

My 1997 NI PRI CPE Network Interface Description states- and I =

The pulse amplitude of an isolated pulse, either positive or =
negative, shall have a base-to-peak amplitude between 2.25 and 3.6 =
volts, attenuated by a cable pair with a loss in the range of 0.0 =
to 16.5 dB at 772 kHz between 100-ohm terminations. The resulting =
amplitude of an all ones signal at the NI shall be at least 0.65 =
Volts peak-peak.

I even know why it is 16.5 dB. :-)

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services