Re: Which NAT required?

Matthew S. Crocker (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 08:14:19 +0000 (GMT)

> > dynamically (or in some cases in a fixed assignment for web hosts, etc.) to
> > a pool of illegal addresses.
> If I had to pick I'd defintely go with #2. The fact that a
> non-routeable IP assigned to a workstation in a LAN will limit a
> customer's connectivty somewhat isn't usually an issue because they use
> their connectivity to primarily browse web sites and e-mail. Not to
> mention that this conserves an ISP's address space.

True, If done properly it won't limit anything. We currently use NAT
through linux boxes (IP_MASQ) and NEC PrivateNet firewalls. Everything
works as long as the person behind the firewall initates the outbound
connection. The only sticky thing is RealAudio and Quake


Matthew S. Crocker - Systems Administration
Crocker Communications				Phone: (413) 587-3350
PO BOX 710					Fax:   (413) 587-3352
Greenfield, MA 01302-0710