RE: Problems : PM3 connected to DMS-100

Phil Taylor (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:42:00 +0100

In my opinion 'THIS SUCKS'

Could somebody from Livingston (MZ ??) Please confirm/deny this.......

There are currently a lot of ISP's in the UK that DO NOT have telco
services provided by BT, a large number of local ISP's use Diamond Cable
and other Cable providers, most of whom have DMS-100 switches. You will
be severely reducing your potential sales in the UK (not to mention
other european countries) if this is not sorted out, as most of these
people will look to Ascend/Telebit/Cisco/Multitech for their DSP
solutions if yours doesn't work properly on DMS-100's with 30 Channel
PRI. At the moment we have a PM3 with 2 pri's that is only operating at
75% of it's capacity. As we pay a line charge for PRI in addition to per
channel charges, this means that the per channel cost of the PM3 has
just increased by 25%. The main reason we went for PM3 instead of Ascend
or Telebit solutions was because the test's that we had done with one
connected to a NET5 switch worked very well and had a lower per channel
cost than all of it's competitors. Now this doesn't appear to be the
case unless you are in the US or not connected to a NET5 switch

The ISP that we run the technical support for, the Web Factory,
currently use Telebit Netblazer servers, we were piloting the PM3 in
Leicester and the other (10 and growing) Web Factories were viewing our
experiences with interest to decide whether or not to go for the Telebit
Mica technology or PM3's. With the current situation I CANNOT recommend
PM3's to them as in my opinion they do not perform correctly. This may
be a Nortel problem but to be perfectly honest I don't really care, the
onus is on Livingston to sort this out as nobody else appears to have
this problem.

I must admit that this whole situation really worries me as I have
recommended the PM3 to many people (including people on this list)
should I now postscript my recommendations with 'as long as you are not
in Europe and your telco is not using a DMS-100' ?

Yours, looking forward to a swift solution to this problem.

Phil Taylor
c/o Web Factory (Leicester) Technical Support Dept

p.s. I know this isn't a support channel, my original message was c.c'd
to support but I didn't think it necessary for my rantings (g) to go
direct to them as well.

> ----------
> From:[]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 1997 11:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Problems : PM3 connected to DMS-100
> Phil Taylor <> wrote:
> >On the first PRI we have NEVER seen more than 23 ports connected. I
> know
> >this is standard for T1 style US PRI but we are EuroISDN (30 Channel)
> >with ALL channels turned on.
> >I am now getting concerned that maybe the DMS-100 code in the PM3
> >doesn't allow more than 23 ports per PRI to be used. As almost every
> day
> >the 23rd port is being hit but never any more than that which would
> seem
> >an amazing coincidence.
> Not a coincidence, the Portmaster 3 DMS-100 code does not
> allow more than 23 channels. We are currently trying to get Livingston
> and Nortel to talk to each other over this, but it is proving a
> tedious process. Each basically seems to blame the other at the moment
> - Livingston says "but nobody uses DMS-100 in Europe, your Telco
> should be able to supply net5" and Nortel say "But we use our switches
> in Europe with other manufacturer's equipment with no problems."
> >I did see a comment a few weeks ago on the list, where someone was
> >saying he had never seen all 30 ports used on a DMS-100. If this is
> the
> >case, whose bug is it ???
> Ahh, this is a good question. It must in reality be
> Livingston's bug... but whether they will bother to fix it is another
> question. You could argue that the Nortel switch is not net5
> compliant, and should be if it is in Europe - but whether they will
> bother to fix it is another question. As a company we are caught in
> the middle of this... we cannot change telcos for local reasons, we
> canot go back to analogue lines... it is looking like our only option
> may be to send our PM3s back, although this would be a shame.
> >As we are paying the telco for those 7 channels it would be nice to
> use
> >them :-(
> I know the feeling......
> Adam Hill
> Power Internet Ltd.