Re: Enabling VLSM

Stephen Zedalis (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 12:32:37 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Andrew wrote:

>I am currently setting up a PM2e-R on a frame relay line and my service
>provider has given me an IP address with a netmask of In
>an older posting from this group (Routing Problem - Fun with PM2ER's) it
>was mentioned that VLSM needed to be turned on.
>I am running ComOS 3.5, PMConsole 3.5.1, & have searched the doco from
>cover to cover.

If you are running ComOS 3.5, you have VLSM. You are good to go.

What your provider seems to want to do is to give you one address for your
port and one for his end. This is using the traditional don't use
first or last address, so a is a two machine subnet, yours
and his. His router understands subnets, so does yours. Just set your
wan ports address and netmask and everything should work out just fine.