Re: K56/channelized T-1 code (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 06:35:04 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Matthew S. Crocker shaped the electrons to say...
>Ok, The modem cards are hot swappable (right?), Can we mix and match the
>modems in a PM3? I'm thinking that if I shut off the first 8 modems
>(first card), then swap out the AD DSP modem card with the Lucent card and
>turn the back on. Do this for each one. Will this work? Or do I need to
>shutdown, swap out, turn on, upgrade software, reboot the machine?

You'd have to do a ComOS upgrade BEFORE putting the Lucent cards in since
you'll need the new code to run. So you can either reboot with the new code
and then swap cards. Or just do it all at once.


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