Re: PM3 Cards (fwd)

Ryan Mooney (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 21:57:06 -0700 (MST)

> Fitting all those NT-1's on a PM3-sized card would be pretty cool. I'm
> sure they welcome your design suggestions. :-) ( I've dabbled enough in
> EE to avoid saying "can't be that hard". Having heard that while
> discussing software specs makes me naturally suspicious of the phrase. )

Ain't that the truth... They do have the HD port on the 2Ei though (which
could possibley be switched to a telco connector on the PM3), and
I'd be happy even if I had to buy special modem cards that included
the NT-1's built onto them. Not sure how that would fit into the
design of the rest of the chassis though.

> > I should go make my own terminal server in my garage.. haha :)
> If somebody could come with a 5-BRI card that'd simulate modems I'd whip
> out a linux driver for it. :-)

Ooh a challenge.

Check out
the ARROW OCTO at (I believe I read 4 ports...?)
Aculab 4-port BRI

I got the above from, I
worked my way through the A's and the B's... I'll let someone else finish :)

Oh and we want multi chassis MP and .... and btw when will this be available?

Ryan Mooney Phone (602)265-9188 PCSLink Internet Services
Quidquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Videtur.