Re: K56/channelized T-1 code

Marty Likier (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 13:16:17 -0700

At 09:10 AM 4/21/97 -0600, Tim Hodges, Triangle Telephone Cooperative wrote:
>Regarding the free upgrade to 56k modems;
>I have two PM3's that I am going to be installing this week(hopefully).
>They will be our only modems, so once I bring them on-line they have to
>continue to work. We will be using CT1's (ISDN not an option). If I
>register for the
>free upgrade and switch out the modem cards, will the beta CT1 code
>continue to work?

The Lucent-based cards will be shipped in "advance" to all registered
customers. You will have 21 days to to work out the "swapping" before
returning the old modem cards. This should ensure the highest level of your
systems uptime. ;-) While the modem code will change, feature sets will
remain constant.

>As a second question, what effect does the K56 development have on
>the CT1 code moving from beta to production?


Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.