IPX between an OR-HS and an IRX

Steve Fogelson (fogelst@ipsincorp.com)
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 10:20:22 -0500

We have an IRX211 (main site) communicating to an OR-HS (remote site)
using IP and IPX over 64K frame relay.

We also have two Gandalf 5225i sending IPX only over a 56K point to
point curcuit. (second remote)

Novell server at all locations.

Packet transmissions between the remotes and the main site are primarily
IPX between Novell servers. We want to replace the Gandalf at the
second remote with an OR-HS and add the curcuit to our Frame relay

The big problem is our application software (IPX) runs twice as slow on
the frame network. We expected it to be a little slower but not twice
as slow.

My question is how can we make it faster?

More bandwidth?

Our MTU setting at the remote is 1500, would changing this improve

Is there something we can do with Novell on packet sizes?

Any other tweaking or is this a network design problem?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm stumped.

Thanks in advance

Steve Fogelson
IPS incorporated