Re: Lots of K56Flex deployment questions

Matthew S. Crocker (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 17:40:30 +0000 (GMT)

> Thank you very much for the quality response. I think I have a better
> understanding now of the new product.
> To clarify one last point. I believe I understand that Livingston will
> use their existing analog modem code and incorporate just "The 56K
> Modulation Code" from lucent.
> If this is correct then one of my greatest fears is put to rest. I was
> concerned that the entire modem code was being replaced, and as such we
> would be back at the starting gate, like the inital release of of OS for
> the PM3.

The new modems will be using Lucent DSP's instead of Analog Devices DSP's.
I think that means all the modem code will be switched to Lucent. It
would be like running Win95 (intel) on a PowerPC

Above all else we need rock solid 33.6k modem connections using the new
modem code. I am not really concerned about reliable 56k connections
right away but we have to be able to support our existing customer base at
least as well as our analog modem pool. Our PM3 is set at the end of one
modem pool and as the entire modem pool in another. I can't afford to
have connect problems on the PM-3 modems. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
(PLEASE!) make sure you test the 33.6k stuff before you send it out (I'm
sure you will, you always have been good at that).


Matthew S. Crocker - Systems Administration
Crocker Communications				Phone: (413) 587-3350
PO BOX 710					Fax:   (413) 587-3352
Greenfield, MA 01302-0710