Re: WTB: 5BRi Cards

Derric Scott (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 10:16:53 -0500 (CDT)

> Harry Dijkstra was heard to say:
> > > This must be a switch specific bug because I have been running several
> > > small pops off of ISDN for over a year now and it just runs and runs. I
> > > updated all these pops to 3.5 about 30 days ago. I think the Telco is
> > > using 5ESS switches configured to look like an NI-1.
> > Well, we are using them on several pops. Some pops : No problem, on other
> > pops they hang about every 1 - 3 day's (max). The only thing that helps
> > is rebooting.
> A final suggestion: Do a show isdn to find out how your D channels are
> numbered. Then do a "reset dX" to reset that channel. Be in
> "show debug isdn-d" when doing this, and you'll see if its the telco
> dropping you.

This is a pretty common problem these days, apparently. It is caused by
or related to the switch - HOWEVER - it is the PM that isn't recovering
it seems (else why would a re-boot work EVERY TIME). I've got this problem
- one line locks about every day or so.... at that point if *any* other
line needs to re-set with the switch, it locks up too (ie. once the PM is
in "hung" mode, it will only get worse and REQUIRES a reboot - in no cases
will "reset d0x" work). THIS PART is not a switch problem. In my case,
the problem is caused by EXCESSIVE Errs and restarts on one of the BRIs
("sh isdn"). Telco has changed **EVERYTHING** physical on this wire
(and so have we) and it continues... next week I'm turning my attention
to the switch programming... that's all that is left. This has become an
obsession - it's almost a year since we first saw this happening - my last
resort is to tell Bell to order a new BRI and turn that BRI off. We have
14 other BRIs that work flawlessly.

Again - this is a PM BUG, CAUSED by the switch or line, but it is a PM BUG,
after all.

ANSWER: check "sh isdn" for any lines with errors (anything over a couple
is too many). If you have them, GET THEM CLEANED UP!!! You should see
the occurances of this PM BUG drop almost to nil.

(Yes, I've opened trouble tickets... several times in the last year and
have gotten support and we're currently working with support on this).



Derric Scott          Scott Network Services, Inc.         P. O. Box 361353           (205)987-5889               Birmingham, AL 35236