
Stavros Patiniotis (stavros@esc.net.au)
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 11:01:45 +0930 (CST)

I have this ever so annoying problem of users getting disconnected....

It seems to only happen at night. My phone lines have been checked.
Quite a few customers have had their lines checked!

The senario is this: A user has no problem during the day, (something
which I attribute to less people online). Come 5pm onwards they have
endless drop outs...... (Many more people online)

During the day there are ~10-15 users online, and at night this goes up
to ~20-25. Could I have faulty ram that is causing these problems?

My (16bit Netcomm m34f) rack modem tell me that the disconnect reason is:
"MNP disconnected after 12 attempts to send a packet", I translate this
that my modem is dropping carrier, cause the remote modem is not
responding in time?

What could be causing these problems?

Any help appreciated. (btw I've only got 1 pm2e-30)


Stavros Patiniotis
-System Administrator / Network Manager Escape.Net -
- 465b South Rd -
-email: stavros@esc.net.au Keswick SA 5035 -
-URL: http://www.esc.net.au Ph 82932526 Fax 82932949-