Livingston FTP Mirrors

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 17:50:40 -0700 (PDT)

The file will always have the current
list of FTP mirror sites for us. Currently we have two sites, but
we're willing to add more volunteers as long as they'll notify us that
they'd like to mirror, have a fast connection to the Internet, and
will update nightly. It currently uses around 140MB of space.
If anyone out there is interested in volunteering to be a FTP mirror
site, send me email.

The following mirror sites for /pub/le are available now:
Mirrored by MMS Communications in Hamburg, Germany every night
at 4:00 a.m. MET.
This server is connected via T3 (45mb) link to both MAEeast and
MAEwest, with a 10mb backup connection to CWIX.

We're also looking into adding bandwidth to our T1, and possibly
colocating a web & ftp site near a T3 somewhere.

Carl Rigney

"infrastructure" is the official buzz-word of the information superhighway. -- Marcus Ranum, 94/1/16