Re: Hayes 56k Modems

Sherwood Pekelo (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:53:02 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Kevin W. Brown wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Todd Knaus wrote:
> > However, a customer called yesterday stating that they just received thier
> > Hayes Acura 56k modem. This is the full blown puppy not the kind you can
> > upgrade to 56k.
> >
> > He can not connect to our PM3. Everytime he tries he gets a continuous
> > handshake and the modems never establish a connection. He can dial into
> > our old analog server and connect to our USR Sportsters with no problem.
> > Has anyone experienced this problem ? If so, is there a fix ?
> Just add +ms=11,1,300,33600 to the modem init string.

I would switch 300 for 2400 ... since the PM3 will not go lower than 2400
... though I would really (for myself) set it to 14400, as if it's slower
than that I do _not_ want it to connect.

