Re: 56000 reported in auth request? (fwd)

Marty Likier (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 08:20:59 -0700

At 08:43 PM 4/17/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Todd Vierling shaped the electrons to say...
>>Does anyone already know if the PM3 sends the connect speed along with the
>>NAS-Port-Type in an auth request? With the upcoming K56flex, we don't want
>Not at this time.

I have been advised that the reporting of connect speed as a check list
item will be in the ComOS release 3.5.1 (PM3 only) as the Connect-Info
attribute. I was also told the the Connect-Info string also includes some
other information, which will have to be matched too. But it should be easy
to modify the source to add an attribute to specify a user was only allowed
to match at a given speed or higher, or a given speed or lower; this has
been added to the RFE list with a request to get it into our RADIUS 2.1

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.