re: Hayes 56K Modems

Scott Sears (
Fri, 18 Apr 97 10:09:24 -0500

On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Todd Knaus wrote:

>>However, a customer called yesterday stating that they just received thier
>>Hayes Acura 56k modem. This is the full blown puppy not the kind you can
>>upgrade to 56k.
>>He can not connect to our PM3.

Stephen Zedalis wrote:

>Sounds like the same problem the early Motorola 56K modems had. Problem
>was stated to be a defect in the Rockwell chipset that necessitated a
>recall of ALL the modems. (These were not flash upgradeable) I wonder if
>Hayes got the same bum chips, or this is a new batch of bum chips? Or
>this is actually a PM-3 problem?
>On another note, we just had a customer come in showing off his Zoom
>K56Flex modem. Flash rom upgradeable, also with a Rockwell chipset.
>Wonder if he will also have problems with our PM-3's?

We have had problems connecting all 56Flex modems to our PM3's.
Ironically, USR X2's connect just fine. We have been able to
successfully connect the problematic modems by issuing appropriate
commands to FORCE them to connect at 33.6. We have connected a Hayes 56K
and a Zoom 56K using this procedure.


Scott Sears
Director of Technical Support    |   Telalink Corporation 
support e:  |   support v: 615.321.9100 x 236     


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