Re: Multiple Call Types (fwd)

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 00:35:54 -0500

At 05:39 PM 4/16/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Luther D. Keal shaped the electrons to say...
>>I'm looking at how to handle different call types into a PM-3.
>>What I want to do is hanlde regular analog calls for one price, 56K for
>>another, and ISDN Lite for another.
>ISDN lite???

More like ISDN/2, which when combined with X2 one has ISDNX. 8-)

>1. NAS-Port-Type will tell you of a call is analog or ISDN
>2. I believe 56K modems are still analog. However, part of the RADIUS
>Extensions Draft is an attribute that will report connect speeds. We do
>intend to implement this.
>(That will also let those who care track modem performance.)

Ya, but only for initial connect. I would probably use it, but it would be
nice to turn it on/off for those that don't.

Better off hacking pmmon (or something) to take snapshots.

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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