Multiple PPP address pools on PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 21:01:31 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Yehavi Bourvine +972-2-6585684 shaped the electrons to say...
>1. As far as I understood the users are assigned the next free address from
> the PPP address pool. Is it possible to "nail" address to port, so the
> first port can get only the first address, the second gets the second,

No, this is not supported.

>2. One of our requirements is that different users get addresses from differen
> ranges (so we can differentiate between them later). Here I have two
> questions:
> 1. How do I define more than one PPP address pool at the server?

You can't.

> 2. How do I select a specific pool from Radius? probably
> selects the first, but how to select the others?

You can't.

You're going to have to write your own code and modify RADIUS to kludge
this if you really need it.

Don't see why you need different IPs to differentiate them though, not
with all of the data RADIUS accounting saves.


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