PM2ei Problems LED

Fernando Martin (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:30:33 +0100

Dear Sir,

Here you are my problems:

1- We purchased a PM2ei some times ago. 5BRI ports as default configuration.
2- A week ago I remove the mod-10i-st from old PM2e and placed it into the
PM2ei ( the new) So it has 10 BRI ports.
3- I programmed it like the PM2e, but It can see the ISDN line that is
connected to the S12-s12 for example.
I see again the configuration and it is OK.
Now the PM2ei seem to be working ptoprely, because if you call to any ISDN
line to can access to Internet. BUT I have problems with the LED of the ports:
- When I reboot the PM the leds work OK . the sytem led go down once every 5
seconds, the network green led is solid....
1- The LED s10-s19 only go up-down when the PM is rebooting. Once the PM is
working they do NOTHING. NEVER go UP.
2- When I connect the ISDN line to any s10 to s19 PORT the LED of this PORT
is down always. Why?
When I connect the iSDN to S0 untill S9 the LED of the port go UP. This is
the right way it works.
3- When I remove the ISDN from s0-s1 ( or any s0-s9 port) and connect it to
other port . The status of s0-s1 ( the port where it was connected)
continues in IDLE status instead of NO-SERVICE Why? Of course the new port
where the line is connected is in IDLE status.
As you can see the Status of the PORTs they are not the right.
I need to reset de D channel of the port or reboot th esytem.
4- The LED of the port s0-s9 flash up every 5 seconds. But nothing s10-s19 why?
Take in mind that the mod-19i-st is s10-s19.
5- when a port ( any s0-s9) was connected to a ISDN line before but now no
its LED does not flash up at the same time that the others every 5 seconds.
( it flash up every 5 but not at the same time that all the others).

PM2ei ( With mod-10i-st, S/N:1T01518, livingston Enterprise INC 400-1272 REV A)
Jumper expansion is connected between 1 and 2 so it is s10-s19.
60 pin ribbon is oK connected and teh power .
Version 3.3.3c2

What could be teh problem?

I hope you can help me

Thank you
Fernando Martin