Re: Monitoring PM Users

Sherwood Pekelo (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 16:18:11 -1000 (HST)

On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Adalto Silva Correia Filho wrote:

> Hi Sherwood,
> I'd tried to execute the command you gave me "set max
> pmconsole..." but it gave me the systax error of set usage. I already saw
> other PortMasters working and their pmconsole port shows up a little
> bit different of mine. The port shows with sh netconns like this:

What ComOS ver are you running? ... What did it show when you do "set max"
all by itself?

> 7 0 0 LISTEN
> The others I've seen has the termination .1643 instead of 1653 and the
> Hnd number is so much bigger (like 403). Is there something wrong with
> the configuration of the pmconsole port?

This looks likely ... I would proceed to enter a trouble ticket number
with Livingston to solve this. If not, I or someone else on the list
could attempt to telnet to your box to see.

Let me know!

