DOV Config Probs (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 17:44:35 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time keith shaped the electrons to say...
>I have a customer trying to connect ISDN DOV. We have been unsuccessful
>so far. Any suggestions from people who have been successful are

>- Max ports set to 2 in PMConsole
>- Dialing in on CHT1 going into a PM3

Is this ChanT1 trunkside - are you sure the link is all digital?

>established. The user is "chrism" on port s3. The established connection
>is at 56kps, but the customer cant go anywhere. When he tries to browse,
>i see the debug message: net: Bad wanted 10860, 379. He is able to ping,
>but badly, with frequent timeouts.

that Bad wanted indicates trouble in the link. It means we got a packet
which claimed it as 10860 in length, but we only got 379! It was destroyed
in transit - on one the sending end.

I'm not positive, but it looks like the one box is making two connections
but NOT using MP. Ie, it is trying to make seperate links. That's not

> Input: 467508 Abort Errors: 22868

I don't know if these are all from this guy, but that is a lot of abort


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