Re: Monitoring PM Users (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 17:37:03 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Adalto Silva Correia Filho shaped the electrons to say...
> I'd tried to execute the command you gave me "set max
>pmconsole..." but it gave me the systax error of set usage. I already saw
>other PortMasters working and their pmconsole port shows up a little
>bit different of mine. The port shows with sh netconns like this:
> 7 0 0 LISTEN

Looks like you have a Cayman box. These are NOT true PortMasters. They
will not run Livingston ComOS and they have different ROM code. And their
last rev of code was quiet a while back, so they don't have a whole slew
of features that the PMs have today.

A year ago or so we had an upgrade program, something like $1000 to rebuild
the unit into a real PM. I think it came back with a like-new warranty
et al. Check with to see if we're still doing that.
(if you are interested)

Otherwise we do not support them at all - too many changes to the ROMs and


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