Re: Missing accounting records with MPPP.

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 17:33:48 +0200

According to Kyle Platts:
> >> We run a PM3 with one PRI line (two as soon as the losers^H^H^H^H^H^H
> technicians of the phone company can get the 2nd line into operation)
> If your such an expert on PRI installation and configuration,
> perhaps your time would be better spent helping them than just
> making blanket assumptions.

Listen. We pay a lot for PRI service, and assume that the telecom
company can deliver it. Last time it was no problem - now we've been
waiting for three weeks. During one week we had 2 technicians here
every day.

Our national telecom company has been privatized, and since that
time they sometimes hire external companies to do the work for them
so they can work away the backlog (I had to wait for ISDN at home
for half a year..). The quality of this external personnel varies
from very good to mediocre.

BTW we're talking about the Dutch PTT here, who hold a monopoly position.

> Just out of curiosity, what is the rise time of the pulse on your
> existing PRI?

I'm no expert on PRIs, I don't know.


   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services | I know one million ways,   |
   Smoorenburg,    | Internet voor de Randstad | to always pick the wrong   | | mail      | fantasy - the Black Crowes |