Re: routing problem

Daniel Jacobs (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 18:46:17 -0700 (PDT)

The router seems to know where to send the packets. Do a traceroute to or and you'll see that they head to my

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Sherwood Pekelo wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Michael J. Hartwick wrote:
> > >I can ping them fine from the Portmaster, running OS 3.5. The route shows up
> >
> > This means there is a bidirectional route from the PM to the other side.
> >
> > >traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
> > > 1 lookingglass ( 0 ms 10 ms 10 ms
> > > 2 pm2 ( 0 ms 0 ms 10 ms
> > > 3 * * *
> > >direction, but not getting past the pm2 to their destination.
> >
> > I would guess that the packets are making it past the PM but the other
> > side doesn't have the route(s) to send the response back to anything
> > beyond you PM. I would guess that the problem is in the routing on the
> > other network and not a problem with the PM.
> Using OSPF? If not, then put a route into your router pointing to the
> PM...that is one way of doing it...maybe not the best, but it should work
> until you get VLSM or OSPF running.
> --
> Aloha,
> Sherwood

Daniel Jacobs | - Las Vegas Providers of Internet Services
(702) 871-4461 | |
"In art and dream, may you proceed with abandon.
In life, may you proceed with balance and stealth." - Patti Smith