RE: IP filters/subnetting.

Stephen Fisher (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 20:39:52 -0600 (MDT)

What does supporting the first and last subnets have to do with VLSM?
ComOS < 3.5 supports the first and last subnets just fine.

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Phil Taylor wrote:

> This is where VLSM comes in.
> To Quote RFC1878
> ...... using calculations which exclude all-zeros and all-ones subnets.
> Many vendors support subnetting based upon this premise. This practise
> is obsolete! Modern software will be able to utilize all definable
> networks.
> i.e. They will be able to use the first and last subnets.
> So, as long as you are using ComOS 3.5 or above the PM3 will support
> this. Most implementations of IPV4 should support this if they were made
> after December 1995 (when this RFC was written) This (amazingly)
> includes almost all Microsoft implementations, and quite a few unixes,
> but it (strangely enough) excludes the TCP/IP included in the Novell
> Client32 for dos/win before version 2.1 and tcpip.nlm that shipped with
> netware prior to version 4.11.