Re: PM-3 Disconnects (rather curious)

Jean-Francois Laplante (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 01:34:01 -0700

At 18:52 97-04-14 -0700, you wrote:

>So off I go checking stuff: Does he have call waiting? NO.
>Do RADIUS logs show Lost-Carrier? YUP. many times.
>Does PM3 show any? NO (???) A show line0, show mXX (M0to M46), show sX all
>return no errors. In fact, radius accounting logs show 269 lost carriers
>since we started, but show mXX and show sXX show 0 lost carriers for all
>modems. And the PM3 hasn't been rebooted since the b11 upgrade 2 weeks
>ago. I do have "No modulation, protocol, and not operational" errors
>though. Could the PM3 be reporting these to radius as lost-carriers
>BTW, it's PRI with all the default stuff. nothing out of the ordinary.

I'm using a PM/ with CT1. Prior to 3.5.1b13, there was no update on the
"sh mod" screen as far as the disconect methot. Now with b13, I see PLENTY
of lost carrier. I'm pretty sure they were there before but the screen
wasn't updated. It IS rather curious since it's not hapening on my PM2's
with analog modems.

The best explanation I've come up with is that the PM3 is much more
sensitive to cheap modems and/or bad phone lines. I did some testing og my
own and called my service quite a few times from the same phone line. With
a good modem, I get 33.6 connexion all the time and no disconnect. With a
cheap modem I get 26.4/28.8 and a lot more disconects... The absolute worse
was with a GVC 28.8 PCMCIA modem. I would get 19.2 where I used to get
28.8 all the time with the analog pool. Go figure... Hopefully a new
modem code and/or the Lucent chip cards will solve the problem once and for
all. It's really hard to explain to my client that I'm going forward in
technology to support 56k technology and going backward in reliability...

I have a ticket number opened for more than a month now. They did called
me last friday to have me upgrade the OS to b13 with no apparent changes to
the situation described in the ticket (modems stuck in CONNECT, slower
connections speed and disconnects). I left a message to them today
explaining this situation.

I have faith that they will come up with something soon. I believe in the
Livingston God... May the commet help them!


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