Re: Dead PM-3

Brian Elfert (
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 12:04:40 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 10 Apr 1997, Stephen Fisher wrote:

> All the better reason that the PM3 should have dual power supplies like
> other boxes similar to it.

This was discussed on comp.dcom.ethernet several months ago as regards
highend switchs and ethernet hubs.

The consensus seemed to be that power supplies fail so infrequently that
having dual supplies in case one died was just not necessary. Most people
seemed to think that they are in the high end gear just to give customers
something extra in the high end gear.

The only good reason most of these folks had for dual supplies was for
hooking your gear to two totally seperate sources of power in case the
power failed or electrical problems required turning off the power on a
