Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Stephen Fisher (
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 01:00:08 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Joe Hartley wrote:

> > >Is this saying that if I had one PRI, that I couldn't do both analog and
> > >ISDN calls off it assuming I have digital modems?
> >
> > Correct.
> So if I have a PM3 and a PRI and I want it to handle analog modem calls,
> I have to populate it with 24 digital modems (to cover the 23 usable
> lines - 3 8-modem cards) and give up all ISDN functionality?

Who said this? You can load it up with modem cards, have modem callers,
and still have ISDN callers.

> [ snip ]
> > PRI signaling can tell the PM3 get ready and data (ISDN) call is coming or
> > a voice (modem or ISDN data-over-voice) call is coming. The PM3 figures out
> > the rest. So no configuration is necessary.
> Is this per channel or for the whole line?

EVERY time a call comes in across a certain channel of the T1/PRI it
determines what type of call it is, be it Analog modem, ISDN
Data-Over-Voice (DOV), or standard ISDN. Then it handles it correctly.
Both ISDN DOV and standard ISDN are routed to the data bus, the modem
calls are routed to the next available digital modem.

> I'm very confused now! I though I could configure the PM3 to handle a
> situation with say 16 analog lines (2 8-modem cards) and 7 ISDN lines.
> I guess not, though - bummer. This could change my whole digital plan
> :(

You can! Or you can have 24 channels and each one can be analog or isdn.
Or however you want, really. Just like you said above, part of the
channels for analog and the others for ISDN.
