PM 2's with 2 piece ethernets...broke?

Jake Messinger (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 15:03:39 -0500 (CDT)

I am having a problem with 2 pm 2's both with 2 piece ethernet cards.

First I put in rev G roms in them so I could reflash the com os as both
were corrupt. I boot from PROM and thats why I need REV G. Well I
successfully reformatted the flash roms. BUT ONLY if I used a NEWER 1
piece ethernet card. I actually swapped em out and then swapped em back.
Things would SEEM to be okay, right?

However, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to reset the ethernet NIC
card. I think, after talking to Paul and Chuck at LVGSTN, they determined
that rev G rom cant be used with the 2 piece card. So I stuck the REV B
rom back in.

Well guess what...

It STILL doesnt work!!

I know its not a hardware problem or I would NEVER have been able to boot
from prom in the first place which I have done several times. And when I
use the "address" command after hitting escape from rarping, I CAN ping
the boxes from anywhere on the net.

You know what I think it is...

I think it is the Generic COM OS I am botting from. Its the latest one
called GENERIC.PM2 on the ftp site. (I assume this is 3.5)

I bet the new os BROKE the older PM 2's.


I have to boot with a B rom, rarpd from a Generic PM2 image and reflash
the COM OS with the B rom IN IT, so that it does NOT reformat the flash
for a G rom. Problem is, I use linux and I cant find a WORKING rarpd
daemon. Anyone can point me to one?

So you say, "What can we do to help, Jake?"

Does ANYONE else out there have a 2-piece ethernetted PM 2? If so, what
COM-OS are you running please?

I think the BEST way to fix this is get a NEW 1 piece ethernet card from
Livingston provided they dont charge the GNP of a small country for it.

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Houston, Texas
(Betcha can't do this on an Apple ][, ][c, or ][e)