Re: Fighting NYNEX Prices, the PM2/BRI Approach

jason philbrook (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 13:14:29 -0400 (EDT)

> At 12:55 PM 4/11/97 -0400, Jack Kilday wrote:
> >
> >PM2/BRI Alternative
> >-------------------
> >Price per port: Current street for PM2e-30, $2000/30 = $67
> > US Robotics ISDN I-modem = 290
> >Per Port NYNEX Install: ISDN BRI 141
> > ---
> >Total One-Time cost per port: $498
> >
> >Monthly NYNEX Cost per port: ISDN BRI = $56 (no measured service
> > charge when hosting calls)
> Instead of using USR consider the full Livingston solution.
> Price per port: Current list for PM-2E-10I-U $3900/30 = $130
> 15 BRI ports, 2 ports per BRI
> Per Port NYNEX Install: ISDN BRI 141
> ----
> Total One-Time cost per port: $271
> --
> John G. Thompson Livingston Enterprises Inc. Phone: (800) 458-9966

But this wouldnt support 56k/53k analog customers!

(correct me if I'm wrong)

When the 2e-101u supports 56k modem technologies, let everyone know, and
they'll sell like hotcakes.

Jason Philbrook         |         Midcoast Internet Solutions         |     Internet Access, LAN, WAN, and Linux    |   Service and Consulting for Midcoast Maine