Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Chris Adams (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 10:46:49 -0500 (CDT)

Once upon a time, Curt Eckhart wrote
> >There are 2 models. PM3-1T or 2T. You guessed it. The 1T can handle one
> >T1/CT1/PRI the 2T accomodates two T1/CT1/PRIs. In either case the rear
> >panel has 6 slots for the digital modems. They come in two flavors, 8 or 10
> >DSPs (modems) per card. So 6 times 10 gives you a mximum of 60 modems per
> >chassis. Dial-up support includes analog modem 2400-33.6Kbps, ISDN 64K,
> >ISDN 56K, ISDN 56K data-over-voice.
> What good are 60 modems when there's only 2 PRI's coming in? How can
> more than 47 calls be handled ? Tell me what I'm missing here.

It is called "Europe". :-)

In Europe, they have E1 lines with 30 channels instead of T1 lines with
24 channels. The PM3 can handle either one.

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.