Dynamic IP's from different blocks, is it possible ?

Marco Davids (mdavids@office.casema.nl)
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 08:21:53 +0100


We'd like to be able to assign dynamic IP-addresses from different
'blocks' to our users.

This is because the addresses of certain users need to be routed
differently (to the CATV network that is, for Fast Access).

However in the Portmaster we can only assign one block of addresses.
Is it possible to do this in Radius, for example by specifying a
default user with a certain Prefix ? The addresses need to be dynamic

If possible please send a cc: of your reply to


Marco Davids                          +31(0)15 2569284 fax: +31(0)15 2158286
N.V. Casema Internet Administration   mobile: +31(0)6 54 78 1163
mailto:mdavids@office.casema.nl       http://www.casema.nl/~mdavids 
InterNIC: MD2446                      RIPE: MD270-RIPE

Thought for the day: Concerto (n): a fight between a piano and a pianist.

Marco Davids                          +31(0)15 2569284 fax: +31(0)15 2158286
N.V. Casema Internet Administration   mobile: +31(0)6 54 78 1163
mailto:mdavids@office.casema.nl       http://www.casema.nl/~mdavids 
InterNIC: MD2446                      RIPE: MD270-RIPE

Thought for the day: A penny saved is ridiculous.