Re: PM2e-30

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 16:54:25 -0600 (MDT)

How could that be? The PM2 can only tell two different things: The
carrier was lost in the middle of a connection or the PPP user told the
PPP stack on the PM that it wanted to log off at which point it would log

That's the way I see it. If the modems told eachother they wanted to hang
up (never know what modems do these days) the PM couldn't tell.

On Thu, 10 Apr 1997, Jake (the flake) Messinger wrote:

> Its probably being caused BY the modem itself. It detects line noise and
> believes that the line quality is no longer any good so it disconnects.
> I dont think its really a PPP request. The portmonster just THINKS it
> is.