Re: USR COURIERS v.everything

Rafael Vilarino Kuhn (
Wed, 01 Jan 1997 10:13:07 -0200

keith wrote:
> Mourat Jamoukhanov wrote:
> >
> > Hi, I figure you know allot about USR couriers, I know you can get the
> > inf. file from, just have to look around, but I was
> > wondering, since you know about COURIERS v.everything, I am thinking of
> > buying a 56k one my-self, they're going to out in a month, I want to
> > order one, but can tell me what are the differences you have to look
> Since this is a livingston newsgroup, id thought id mention that
> livingston is not going to support the usr x2 protocol (at least not
> immediately). If you are planning to connect to a PM machine, consider
> buying a product from Lucent or Rockwell. If my info is out of date,
> someone please correct me.
> Keith
> 3W Power Internet Services
> Boston MA

You tell that I can't have USRobotics modens 56.6K connected in my
PM 2E-30? I have 120 digital lines that logon my customers in modens
and this modens connected in PM. My modens are USR Total Control MP/16
V.34. I'm a ISP in Brazil. The last question: The PM have 115200 of
and don't support 56.6K speed?

## Rafael Vilarino Kuhn                     ##
##                       ##
## Gaucho por tradicao, Gremista de coracao ##