Re: Saving configs (was: Re: High Latency...)

Ronald van der Pol (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 13:42:38 +0200 (MET DST)

On Sun, 30 Mar 1997, Joel M Snyder wrote:

> One of the mammoth holes in the PM is that there is no way to show all
> attributes of a Portmaster from the command line. There are some things
> which are simply not possible to examine. Unlike the Cisco, which
> maintains its configuration as a set of commands, the PM loses that
> information. I seriously doubt whether Livingston COULD recreate the
> set of commands you used to configure your Portmaster.
> The only way to upload a configuration from the Portmaster is to use the
> add-on packages like PMConsole, which only run on Unix and Windows. Even
> those are less-than satisfactory, aside from the platform issue, because
> of the lack of support for versioning configurations. And let's not even
> talk about the lack of TFTP support for software upgrades.
> The command line interface is just not getting any better, and it should
> be. Three years ago, it was OK for it to be rough, but now they should be
> kicking out and fixing it up. The comms part of the PM works great; the
> management interface needs work.

I agree completely! The configuration is very user unfriendly.

Ronald van der Pol Vrije Universiteit An eye for an eye mathematics and computer science only makes the
FAX: +31 20 444 7653 de Boelelaan 1081a whole world blind.
network engineer 1081 HV AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands - Mahatma Gandhi -