PM-3 Channelized T1 is still in Beta!

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 01:26:10 -0700 (PDT)

If you're having a problem with ANY Livingston product then OF COURSE
you should open a trouble ticket on it. We can't fix things we don't
know about! Lots of people at Livingston read portmaster-users
regularly, but it is NOT an official support channel; if you're having
a problem you want fixed, call in (800-458-9966, Mon-Fri 6am-5pm
Pacific) and OPEN A TICKET.

If you have a problem you don't want fixed, umm, why not? :-)

And for people being concerned about what they're hearing about
Channelized T1, note that it IS still in Beta! If you're having a
problem with Channelized T1 we especially want to hear about it, so we
can either fix it if it is a problem with our code, or document it if
there's some particular Telco configuration that's needed to make
things happy.

(And not to be too mean, but if you're an official beta site that
signed a proper beta agreement and you're talking about it publically,
you're in violation of your agreement. You're supposed to be telling
US your problem, not the world. If you're running the Open Beta
3.5.1b8, you'd still be better off telling us rather than the world
about the problem, because we're much more likely to be able to fix the
problem than the world is.)

There's nothing more frustrating to us than shipping a release and
finding out afterwards that people were having problems in beta that
they didn't tell us about. We absolutely want to hear about problems
that you're having (in beta or otherwise); we'd much rather hear it now
and fix it now, than wait until after FCS and hear it after many
customers run into it!

Where modems and Telcos are involved, we can't hope to catch every bug
in our labs or even at our selected beta sites; some rare bugs require
just the right combination of factors to show themselves. That's why
we often offer an Open Beta release so our more adventurous customers
can test a release in a wide variety of environments, against as many
flavors of Telco and modems and configurations as possible, while
there's still time for us to identify and fix any problems before FCS.

But for that process to work, we need to hear from you through the
channels we've established for tracking your feedback. It would be
silly of us to release based on "Well, PortMaster-Users seems pretty
quiet lately, let's kick it out the door" instead of "All the bugs
identified in the beta program are resolved, time to release."

For closed beta, we have a beta team that you should be reporting to.
For open beta, you should report any problems to Technical Support
(being sure to specify the release you're running!) and they'll pass
new reports on to the beta team. All beta releases have a b somewhere
in the ComOS release number (like 3.5.1b8).

Report problems to Technical Support for interim releases (a "c"
somewhere in the ComOS release, like 3.5c6, provided to fix a
significant problem while waiting for the next full release), or full
releases (no letters in the release, just numbers and periods)

Carl Rigney

P.S. And if, inspired by this message, you want to report a problem, please call or email support, NOT me, because otherwise your email will wind up queued behind all the email I got while I was away at IETF, and *someday* when I get to it I'll forward it to support. Cut out the middleman, and email support directly (or if you want a number to track it with, call).