Accessing NT4.0 computer

Jerry Mercer (
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 11:20:31 -0500

I have been trying for several days to figure out how to connect to my lan over the internet via a portmaster 2ER I am useing NT4.0 DUN and have been able to access the internet and even the DNS computer which is on the lan but when I try to go to any other computer on the net it says "path not found". once last night I was able to connect to the usermanager and the server manager but since then I can't connect to the user manager and when I connect to the server manager it says it can't find the primary for the domain. This is the DNS computer and I am able to look at shared files and dir on it so I know it can be found. I am realy at a loss as to what is going on.
Please help.

Jerry Mercer
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