Re: Radius and Filter-Id

Karl Asha (
09 Apr 1997 03:15:54 -0400

Sherwood Pekelo <> writes:
> On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Karl Asha wrote:
> > Maybe I'm on crack, but I can't seem to get filters working out of
> > radius. I have, for example, and x.out defined on the portmaster,
> > and 'Filter-Id = "x"' in my user's radius entry. Regardless of what I do,
> > the portmaster decides to ignore the filter completely.
> >
> > This is with livingston radius 2.0. Am I missing out on something?
> don't use name.out just define name and the .in and .out will be
> appended....

Pardon? The portmaster is going to append .in and .out to the filter that
I have defined -on the portmaster- ? Interesting notion, but not quite.

Anyway, the problem turned out to be that I had a comment in the middle of
the user's entry in the radius users file, which meant radius ignored
everything else below the comment for that user (including the filter id).

Karl Asha